Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pat O'Leary (Ireland, County Kerry)

Pat O'Leary is a hard working farmer in County Kerry, Ireland. I wandered onto his land being lost, and asking directions to an ancient stone circle that was in a nearby field. He was warm, friendly, funny and happy to talk at length-- both sharing with me about his life and asking me about my own. P at had travelled all over the world, had worked in London for 20+ years, but in his old age chose to return home to Ireland. He spoke at length about how many Irish had migrated to the U.S. and had huge open arms to welcome any back to the land of their ancestors search of family roots. Pat's humbleness, worldly sophistication, huge heart, weathered face and hands made his life story appear before my eyes and I often wonder how his cows are doing and if he got around to fixing the things he talked about-- like his barn that had seen better days......