Friday, July 8, 2011

Sean Gilligan PDN Faces Contest Winner!

PDN Contest Winning Images

I'm writing to share the exciting news that I am one of the winners of the PDN (Photo District News) 2011 Faces Contest. Two of of my portraits are featured on page 54 of the 2011 August issue.

This is the fourth annual PDN Faces Contest, and I chose to enter this year because I felt it was the perfect place to showcase work of some of my current projects.  The first is a project about New York Artists. The second, is a book I am currently producing and shooting, about life, art, business and community in Harlem, New York.

The portraits featured in PDN are a sampling of a much larger body of work.   The first image, of Floyd Brian Davis, is part of my Harlem Book Project, which will be on-shelves soon, where I am photographing musicians, activists, politicians, business-owners and artists who are active contributing members of the Harlem community.  The second image is of an ongoing artist portrait series, which is currently focused on New York artists, but will soon be international.  My intention in photographing artists is that through understanding and learning about them, I would foster collaborations between my own work and methodology and theirs. 

I wish to thank PDN for recognizing my work.  Please visit my website to view more portraits of both series.  

Here is the official announcement by PDN of the winners for each category. 

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